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side view of badger in grass - Image by Hans Veth

Ways to support us

You can support the group by becoming a member, making a donation, or through your Amazon shop. 

Become a member

When you become a member the Gwent Badger Group you will be helping to care for badgers across Gwent. 


Your fees go towards:

  • vet bills for sick or injured badgers and, sadly, those that have to be euthanised

  • equipment to help transport injured badgers

  • maintaining the reserve - hedges to cut, strimming and tree surgery

  • sacks of peanuts for the reserve's resident badgers

  • an insurance premium for the group’s activities


You'll receive a regular newsletter, can access the Gwent Badger Group reserve free of charge and can take part in the Group's AGM.


Help us conserve, rescue and campaign for badgers in Gwent by making a donation to the Gwent Badger Group.


Every donation makes a difference.


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Donate to us through your Amazon shop

We're now signed up to Amazon Smile. This means that if you shop with Amazon and select Gwent Badger Group as your chosen charity at you will get the same shopping experience but 0.5 per cent of the net purchase price of eligible purchases will go to GBG.

Remember to use!

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