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Badger in the leaves

Badgers in distress

If you find a sick, injured or distressed badger, call the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999.


You can use What3Words to help you tell us where the badger is. â€‹

Sett interference or badger persecution

Call 999.

Give as much information as you can including:

  • location

  • number of people involved

  • descriptions of people

  • direction they are heading

  • any vehicle types, colours and registration numbers

DO NOT approach or challenge the suspect/s but monitor the event from a safe distance.


You can also pass this information to us confidentially.


The Gwent Badger Group offers a reward of £500 for information given to it that leads to the conviction of a badger persecutor.


For centuries badgers have been persecuted by man and have been subjected to horrific cruelty. Sadly this treatment continues today.  It is estimated that 9,000 badgers are killed every year through persecution. 



Other injured or sick wildlife

If other sick, injured or distressed wildlife need help contact:

Vale Wildlife in Tewkesbury - existing to prevent cruelty and relieve the suffering and distress of wildlife needing care and attention.


Secret World Wildlife Rescue in Somerset (SWWR) - existing to relieve the suffering of British wildlife and to encourage respect and tolerance for wildlife.


Hedgehog Helplinesouth east Wales - admitting sick, injured and orphaned hedgehogs. All are returned to the wild once they are fully recovered and able to survive.

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